Deploy your app locally

Test your contract

Before building your smart contracts, you should test them.

sozo test

There might be the following problem due to an issue with Dojo. Just ignore it.

  • test myapp::tests::tests::test_myapp_actions ... fail (gas usage est.: 1044740) failures: myapp::tests::tests::test_myapp_actions - panicked with [6445855526543742234424738320591137923774065490617582916 ('CLASS_HASH_NOT_DECLARED'), 23583600924385842957889778338389964899652 ('ENTRYPOINT_FAILED'), 23583600924385842957889778338389964899652 ('ENTRYPOINT_FAILED'), ]

Building your contracts

Run the following to compile the cairo contracts, generating the necessary artifacts for deployment.

sozo build

Migrate/Deploy your App

This will deploy your contracts to the local PixeLAW world.

sozo migrate apply --name pixelaw

Initialise your App

This will run scripts/ and provide necessary authorization and writer permission to your app.

scarb run initialize

Uploading your manifest

This will run scripts/ and upload your manifest.json required by the front-end.

scarb run upload_manifest

For zsh users,

scarb run initialize_zsh

Awesome, you just successfully deployed your own PixeLAW App! If you fail, please read app_template README to see another way to deploy.

Deploying your app to PixeLAW

Deploying to is almost the same process as developing in your local development. The only difference is that you will require the RPC_URL of the Demo environment. For that, please reach out through Discord.

Build your contracts

sozo build

Deploy your contracts

This will deploy your app to the local PixeLAW using sozo migrate.

sozo migrate apply --name pixelaw --rpc-url <replace-this-with-provided-rpc-url>

Initializing your contracts

This will grant writer permission to your app for any custom models made.

scarb run initialize <replace-this-with-provided-rpc-url>

Uploading your manifest

scarb run upload_manifest