Deploy your app locally

Building your contracts

Before deploy your smart contracts, you should run the following to compile the solidity contracts. Make sure you are currently in the pixelaw_app_template_mud/contracts/

pnpm mud build

Deploy/Update your App:

This will deploy your contracts to the local PixeLAW world and init your app.

If the app contract is deployed for the first time:
pnpm run deploy
If you want to update a deployed app:

First comment out the registerNamespace and registerFunctionSelector parts in ./script/MyAppExtension.s.sol:

// world.registerNamespace(namespaceResource);

// world.registerFunctionSelector(systemResource, "init()");
// world.registerFunctionSelector(systemResource, "interact((address,string,(uint32,uint32),string))");


pnpm run deploy INIT=false

Upload your ABI JSON:

pnpm run upload

Awesome, you just successfully deployed your own PixeLAW App! If you fail, please read app_template README to see another way to deploy.

Deploying to Demo

Building your contracts:

pnpm mud build

Deploy/Update your App:

If the app contract is deployed for the first time:
pnpm run deploy RPC_URL=<replace-this-with-provided-rpc-url> CHAIN_ID=<replace-this-with-chain-id>
If you want to update a deployed app:

First comment out the registerNamespace and registerFunctionSelector parts in ./script/MyAppExtension.s.sol:

// world.registerNamespace(namespaceResource);

// world.registerFunctionSelector(systemResource, "init()");
// world.registerFunctionSelector(systemResource, "interact((address,string,(uint32,uint32),string))");


pnpm run deploy INIT=false RPC_URL=<replace-this-with-provided-rpc-url> CHAIN_ID=<replace-this-with-chain-id>

Upload your ABI JSON:

pnpm run upload


pnpm run deploy

if you set RPC_URL, you should set CHAIN_ID
pnpm run deploy
    INIT if INIT=false,update the system, default true
    RPC_URL, default
    CHAIN_ID, default 31337