
PixeLAW Game (test)

A game built on top of Dojo. See live example here


App Core Behavior (for owner)

App Properties

Core Pixel Behavior

Pixel Properties (every Pixel has these)

Default App

Checking Permissions

Scheduling Actions



Snake moves onto a non-owned Paint Pixel


Developing Locally

Step 1: Build the contracts

make build

This command compiles your project and prepares it for execution.

Step 2: Start Keiko

The Keiko is a container that has the Katana RPC, the Torii World Indexer, and a Dashboard. Once the container starts, it starts running Katana, deploys the World Container from the repo via the contracts volume (See the docker-compose.yml for more details), runs the post_deploy script from the repo’s Scarb.toml, and starts up Torii. Keiko Dashboard is accesible via http://localhost:3000/fork.

make start_keiko

Step 3: Get the React frontend ready

make prep_web
cd web

Step 4: Run the frontend locally

cd web
yarn dev

Step 5: Run the queue bot

cd bots
yarn install
yarn dev


To change accounts, add an account query to the frontend url. For example: http://localhost:3000/?account=1. Add as many accounts as desired by following the pattern set in the env.example.

The following would be example players:

# for player 1
# for player 2

Project Structure

This is an overview of the most important folders/files:

Typical development activities

Add a DOJO system

Troubleshooting / Tricks

When using vscode, the cairo language server panics with thread 'main' panicked at 'internal error: entered unreachable code:

Resolution: None, this is a know issue, can ignore

When deploying/migrating, consistent exceptions even though the contract compiles.

Resolution: Delete the contracts/target dir

How do I use different accounts while testing?

Register 2 accounts (example from

let player1 = starknet::contract_address_const::<0x1337>();
let player2 = starknet::contract_address_const::<0x1338>();

And then switch accounts like this:
